Passions & Interests
Specialty Cold Brew Coffee
I love everything about coffee, the history, chemistry and social culture around it. My roommate (Nick) and I have been making Specialty Cold Brew coffee for the past 2 years with seasonal flavors. Trying to take one step towards a coffee empire. Check out “Uncommon Grounds” for a good book on coffee and culture.
Leadership Development
At the end of the day leadership is followership; knowing how best to support a people and a mission. A growing curiosity is to learn from those who have done it before. I am interested in finding out what makes a JFK, Bob Iger and a Steve Jobs tick and how to emulate those best practices. (Currently reading “The Ride of a Lifetime”)
Whether its at a Honne concert, late night Coltrane or cooking breakfast with my Discover Weekly; I can’t go a day without listening to music. I create Spotify playlists for different occasions and they all end with “Berry.” Checkout the one my friends like: “Spectberry 🥃”
My parents always believed that investing in experiences over materialistic items is how they wanted to raise us. We were fortunate to see that come true through travelling. The value behind seeing other cultures, people, history and wonders of the world was the best way to learn about perspectives and food. I am grateful to have got bitten by the travel bug and a chance to visit over 50 countries. Check out some of my Adventures
Formula 1
Formula 1 is my favorite sport. I love the combination of competition, engineering, legacy, and pure racing. Favorite team Red Bull Racing. Check out “Drive To Survive” if you are curious about the sport.
My grandpa was an astrophysicist at NASA and growing up I was introduced to all of the milestones achieved over the space race; from Apollo to Skylab to Virgin Galactic. The reason why I find it so fascinating, is because it pushed humanity to come together and move forward. I recommend checking out “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” audiobook version